Friday, July 01, 2005
Ignatz 2 1/2, or is it 3?Today seems like an auspicious day to get back into this thing, which I've been meaning to do. There is, of course, Justice O'Connor's retirement. And then the fact that it's the second half of the year. And also I have some time.
The recent hiatus has mostly been work-related. Much interesting stuff on my plate these days. Filed my opening brief in the Supreme Court in Martin v Franklin Capital, available here (pdf). As you may recall, it deals with the fascinating question of what legal standard governs the decision whether to award attorneys' fees under 28 USC 1447(c) upon remanding a removed case. I like the issue because it allows me to say "Piggie Park" a lot. Never mind -- it's funny to me. Probably will be argued in November.
Also have a brief due in the Eleventh Circuit sitting "en banc" (i.e., all twelve judges, plus in this instance one senior judge, making lucky 13), on a good question of constitutional law in the criminal context -- the Confrontation Clause, and whether it allows prosecutors to have their witnesses testify by two-way videoconference from overseas. (See here, pdf file from Court re issues). That brief's almost done. To be argued in October.
Then there are various other things too. But enough about that.
On the music front, check out the clip of Ted Leo playing for the locally-produced rock and roll kids' tv show "Pancake Mountain." That kid with the glasses who says "we sing that at school" sure is cute. Ted Leo is a nice fellow and a great songwriter/singer/fast-right-hand guitar player.
More to come later, including the burning question: "Will President Bush absurdly claim that gender had nothing to do with it when he nominates a woman to replace Justice O'Connor, just as his father absurdly claimed that race had nothing to do with it when he nominated Justice Thomas?"
posted by sam 6:53 PM2 comments
Welcome back ;>
By 10:35 PM
, atWelcome back. Oh, and nice work on the brief.