Wednesday, April 06, 2005
copyrightI am no expert in copyright law, but it seems to me that the recent decision from New York's highest court, described here and available here, is mighty big and bad news from the point of view of those of us who love CD reissues of great old 78 rpm recordings. It seems to say -- if I am reading it right -- that under New York law all "sound recordings" are in copyright until 2067. Will this shut down all the little labels that reissue the great old stuff? Or just the ones based in New York? Please reassure me that this is not the end of such reissues.
posted by sam 8:04 AM1 comments
That would be a total tragedy. That stuff would die off and never be heard from again if those places are put out of business.
By Jane Hamsher, at 2:08 AM