Friday, March 18, 2005
now that's a good sentence.This one gets the "NTAGS" award more for content than for style.
From the Associated Press:
Among virgins, boys who have pledged abstinence were four times more likely to have had anal sex [than those who made no abstinence pledge], according to the study.
posted by sam 5:59 PM5 comments
Things I find on Ignatz:
1. White singer-songwriter chicks doing NWA covers
2. Legal stuff I don't always fully understand
3. Interesting facts about virgin boys and anal sex
No wonder I keep coming back.
By Jane Hamsher, at 3:09 AM
You are the target demographic -- our ideal reader. Congratulations, or condolences, whichever seems appropriate.
Pitching, or catching.
Enquiring minds want to know.
By 3:44 PM
, atThank you, I will wear that honor with pride.
By Jane Hamsher, at 8:54 PM
It's kind of werid how anal sex is not considered "sex". That's just strange.
By John Hubbard, at 11:42 PM