Friday, January 07, 2005
PropagandaWhat beautiful timing.
Just three days ago, the GAO issued this letter (pdf) finding that the Administration had violated the law against using federal appropriations for "propaganda." It's a very interesting letter, really, and it cites earlier sources such as this GAO letter that had explained what sorts of things are prohibited. As you can see from those letters, one of the prohibited sorts of "propaganda" is paying people to state opinions as their own (rather than admitting that they are being paid by the government to make the statements). This particular prohibition has been clear since at least the mid-80s, as you can see from these letters (for instance, page 7 of the pdf file in the first link above).
And today we learn about this.
posted by sam 1:56 PM2 comments
Great to see you back, Sam.
Hi Sam. Hi Mike. Where's the tip jar?