Friday, January 14, 2005
ok, I'll play that game
Fun game: Blog the first ten songs that play when you press "shuffle". A fine list, even though I would have preferred a somewhat higher concentration of recent stuff and noise, and not as much countryish stuff today. But it's all great anyway.
“Boots and Saddle,” Riley Puckett (blind guitarist of the early era of recorded country/hillbilly music, best known as member of Gid Tanner’s Skillet Lickers)
“Candy Floss,” Wilco (from “Summerteeth”)
“Union Square,” Tom Waits (from “Raindogs”)
“Boots of Spanish Leather,” Nancy Griffith (a little embarrassing, but I like it)
“Down on the Farm,” Little Feat (I make no apologies, however, for liking Little Feat)
“Dreams,” TV on the Radio (really, I buy lots of new records, I swear, this isn't the only one)
“Let the Train Blow the Whistle,” Johnny Cash
“The Soldiering Life,” The Decemberists
“Poison Love,” Doug Sahm
“Close Up the Honkytonks,” Flying Burrito Bros (from a bootleg)
posted by sam 6:44 AM
email: first name@last name dot net