Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Bobo's world.The official website of the Sheriff of Marshall County, Alabama.
Seems like he should either spend less time thinking about gay sex, or get comfortable with the fact that he thinks about it a lot; as it is, it's making him upset.
posted by sam 2:14 PM8 comments
Is it just me, or is there a very salient feature of life in 1950's Alabama that the sheriff is neglecting to mention?
By Mithras The Prophet, at 5:16 PM
Guttersville, Alabama?
no, ummmm, errr......
Cuntersville, Alabama?
ummmmm, no, errrrr. i mean
Guntersville, Alabama...
I sure the fuck am glad I'll never spend a minute there...
By Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!), at 5:44 PM
Mithras, that was the first thing I noticed as well. I would bet a whole pile of good solid cash-type American dollars that he campaigned against Amendment 2 (I think that's the number--it's the one that would have stripped segregated schools from the state constitution).
But really, he's not nostalgic for racism. No, really. And I have a bridge I'm offering at deep deep discount...
By Tom Hilton, at 5:47 PM
Isn't this a government funded website? If so, then the content would be illegal... Someone should look into an ACLU sponsored lawsuit, I'm sure that the good sherrif of nottingham (er. homophobingham) would appreciate it.
By 5 Minutes from Normal, at 6:27 PM
White hats, eh? Who wore white hats in Alabama at that time...hats made from sheets?
Look at how many people are in that photo of his department. The law of averages would say that one or more of those people have had gay sex themselves and probably enjoyed it.
By bigsteveno, at 7:40 PM
Alabama deserves all the ridicule it gets. I know, I've lived here 30 years now (no, not because of incarceration) and you have NO IDEA just how crazy it really is here in Jesusland.
I'm in Fun-gomery, where people believe no 10 Commandments monument should be removed from a public building, just as strongly as we believe that no all-you-can-eat buffet should be allowed to go out of business, 'cause that would make Jesus cry.
Sweet home Alabama -- where nothin' says lovin' like marryin' yer cousin!
Alabama foreplay: "Sis? You awake?"
The sheriff story is light comic relief compared to this story, which of course got virtually zero news coverage.
By Jeff (no, the other one), at 8:25 AM
This is really fun. I especially appreciate his plea that we all try to dumb down the world as much as possible, even to his own level. Ignorance loves company, I guess. Male company, no doubt.