(The Return of) Ignatz, by Sam Heldman

Saturday, June 21, 2003

(testing, one two three ... I find myself in "New Blogger," whatever that means, so I hope this works.)

I mentioned, the other day, that Kip at Long Story, Short Pier had written about the laudable efforts of Alabama's newish Republican Governor to reform the State's regressive and inadequate tax system. (I exaggerated, somewhat, Kip's status as an Alabama native; he is one, to be sure, but it seems like he grew up not just in Alabama but everywhere and may even still be in the process, as I am).

Anyway, through Kip (see this post) I learn of an Alabama-based blogger named Michael Bowen whose blog, A Minority of One, is chock full of information on the tax issue. This story will be hot for the next few months, and I plan on reading Bowen's blog to keep up.

posted by sam 7:30 AM 0 comments


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