(The Return of) Ignatz, by Sam Heldman

Friday, April 04, 2003

I spend very little of my energy on this blog pointing out things that "liberal" people and organizations do wrong. That's just not my bag, I suppose. But I can't help noting today's decision from the National Labor Relations Board, finding ACORN guilty of some very serious unfair labor practices. When ACORN's poorly-paid and overworked community-organizer employees sought to form a union in order to better their working conditions, ACORN responded with various unlawful tactics to bust the organizing drive, including discriminatorily laying off some union activists and threatening others. Too often I see, or hear of, progressive organizations that are lousy lousy lousy employers. I hate it. (Note: the html and pdf links to the specific opinion, from the NLRB summary page to which I linked above, might or might not be working when you read this. They're funny sometimes.)

posted by sam 1:03 PM 0 comments


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