(The Return of) Ignatz, by Sam Heldman

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Supreme Court
looks like a very bad day in the Supreme Court for sex offenders, and for three-strikers; I haven't seen the opinions yet, but will post more later.

FURTHER: the opinions are now up, in all four cases, at Cornell Law School's great site. I predicted all four correctly, which is no great achievement I recognize; see here for my discussion of the 3-strikes cases, and here for the sex offender cases. To my way of thinking, the 3-strikes decisions are particularly awful; and note that Justices Scalia and Thomas, whom the President avowedly wants to replicate in his judicial nominations, took the extreme position that the Constitution does not include any requirement that a punishment be proportionate to the crime. Not even the other conservative Justices would go that far. This is just one example of the sort of thing that is at stake, in the current battles over judicial nominations.

posted by sam 10:29 AM 0 comments


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