(The Return of) Ignatz, by Sam Heldman

Monday, October 07, 2002

I'm moving on from the Lautenberg/Forrester stuff, because Mark A. R. Kleiman and Eugene Volokh have (in "updates" to their posts) done a good job of explaining that the factual distinctions between Forrester's primary-election-switch and Lautenberg's general-election-switch are legally immaterial. (I'd been trying to explain this too, from my first post below, but they're less irate than I am and therefore are doing a more thorough job of explaining).

And the Supreme Court Term starts today, so I've got to decide whether to shave and go down to see the argument in the Ford diversity jurisdiction case, or to sit here unshaven and write a brief in a murder case.

posted by sam 7:31 AM 0 comments


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