Saturday, September 21, 2002
Coming soon: a post in which there's no hint of the queasy middle-of-the-roadness (or statesmanlike conduct?) that I displayed regarding the McConnell judicial confirmation debate. In the upcoming post I will argue that confirmation of the next high-profile Court of Appeals nominee on deck must be fought with every ounce of Democratic strength. It will be so convincing that it will even sway this dude. Hint: in contrast to the nice things said about McConnell's open-mindedness and intellectual honesty by those who knew him, this fellow has impressed many people with his closed mind, abrasive manner, and willingness to fudge legal arguments to reach a desired result. Can't get into it right now, because my kid's about to wake up. Maybe he'll take a nap later and I'll get to it.
posted by sam 7:19 AM
email: first name@last name dot net