(The Return of) Ignatz, by Sam Heldman

Friday, August 23, 2002

NLRB I keep jumping the gun in announcing the end of former Chairman Hurtgen's output; this week's weekly update brings three cases, including one in which Chairman Hurtgen participated (it's the last one, I'm sure of it this time). I swear I'll get back to giving summaries of NLRB decisions soon, but I've been working too much and have been saving my blogging time for more important pontificating. For now, just know that the two recess appointees aren't being wallflowers (they're outvoting Member Liebman, opining about more cases that ought to be overruled, and generally acting like they run the place. Which they do, I suppose, but not for much longer, because they're recess appointees.).

posted by sam 3:17 PM 0 comments


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